


January 24, 2018

WSPTA Gives Testimony – HB 2698

Speaking on behalf of the Washington State PTA, Beth Sigall testified in favor of HB 2698, which would extend some of deadlines for paraeducator standards adopted last session, and fund $500,000 in training costs for paraeducators across the state. Standards for paraeducators is one of WSPTA’s Top 5 issues for the 2018 session. For more…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 12, 2018

Week 2 Legislative Schedule and Bill Tracker

Week 1 of the Legislative Session was fast and furious! WSPTA members testified 4 times, and one of our top 5 Legislative Priorities, Breakfast After the Bell, was approved by the full House. Keep up with bills and committee hearings related to WSPTA member-generated Legislative Priorities and long-term positions – see the attached report for…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 11, 2018

WSPTA President Testifies on Governor’s Budget

WSPTA President Michelle Nims testified in support of Governor Inslee’s supplemental operating budget before House and Senate budget committees. Michelle also stressed the importance of funding family and community engagement coordinators at every school, phased in by high-poverty schools first. For a complete review of testimony, click here.  
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

January 3, 2018


Did you know that legislators hear more about the number of chickens allowed in backyards than about K-12 schools? Every year, members decide on our legislative priorities, and WSPTA wants to make it easier for our members to connect with decision-makers to let them know that we care about the success of each and every…
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Category: Advocacy , Events , Legislative

December 18, 2017

Governor’s 2018 budget would close gap mandated by Court

In his 2018 supplemental operating budget, Democratic Governor Jay Inslee proposed spending $950 million to reach full funding of state salary allocations for educators and school staff in the 2018-19 school year. This would move up the state’s salary phase-in by a year, which would resolve the problem raised by the Supreme Court last month…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Legislative

December 15, 2017

WSPTA Invited to Press Conference for the Release of Governor Inslee’s 2018 Supplemental Budget

Flanked by leaders from the Washington State PTA and the Washington Education Association, Governor Jay Inslee released his proposed 2018 supplemental budget Thursday morning. Also invited to speak at the press conference was Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal. Hear WSPTA President Michelle Nims’ speech, as she represents over 133,000 members, and the details about…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Legislative