Individual State Awards – Nominate Someone Now!
Help to recognize leaders for their work in statewide service, advocacy, and teaching (including staff) by submitting a nomination! The all-in-one form for nominating leaders is now available on the WSPTA Application & Submission Portal and has been updated to make it easy and quick to apply. Visit this page for more information about all the state-level awards and…
Announcing Updates to the WSPTA Awards of Excellence
On behalf of the WSPTA Programs Committee we are excited to announce updates and improvements to all Awards of Excellence for the 2024-25 year. We also are excited to announce that we have built a new Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach Award. If you are considering applying for an award this year, we highly recommend downloading…
Announcing the 2023-24 Student Programs Winners
We are very excited to announce the winners of both the 2023-2024 WSPTA Scholarship and the 2023-2024 WSPTA Essay Contest. Essay Contest Winners: Special Author – Elementary Division: Verity Truitt – Puesta del Sol Elementary Kindergarten Division: Charlotte Aftab – “My Role Model in the entire World!” – Redmond Elementary First-Second Grade Division: Prisha Prasad – “I love…
WSPTA’s Leadership Service Award is a tool for leadership development
Washington State PTA is a volunteer organization. The differences we make in the lives of children are because of volunteers committed to being a voice for every child. In gratitude for the many hours of service and training put in by volunteers, the WSPTA Board of Directors created a leadership program to recognize and acknowledge…
Individual State Awards – Nominate Someone Now!
Help to recognize leaders for their work in statewide service, advocacy, and teaching (including staff) by submitting a nomination! The all-in-one form for nominating leaders is now available on the WSPTA Application & Submission Portal and has been updated to make it easy and quick to apply. Visit this page for more information about all…
Introducing Our New Awards Submission System
Let’s dive right in! We are very excited to announce the launch of our new submission portal for awards of excellence, student programs, and the Reflections arts contest. This new system, powered by SM Apply, will be a simple and centralized home for most WSPTA programs moving forward. Before 2020, WSPTA was still dependent on…
Three Reasons to Go for Bronze
Awards. Powered by PTA. “Let’s go win a bronze award!” is not a phrase that you may be familiar with, but the Programs and Awards Committee would like that goal to become mainstream. It may seem like going against the grain, but there are very specific reasons why this just might the key to creating…
Utilizing WSPTA Programs Virtually
Student Programs WSPTA has many great programs to offer students. These are all programs that students can actively work on both at school and at home. Reflections The Reflections program is a National PTA art contest that students in grades K-12 can participate in along with other students from their community, from the state, and…
Central Kitsap High PTSA One of Five Nationally to Earn NPTA Flash Funding
Congratulations to Central Kitsap High School PTSA 1.3.50 in Silverdale for being one of five PTAs across the country to receive “flash funding” from National PTA. GoFundMe enabled the local PTAs to receive the surprise funding during PTA Teacher Appreciation Week after reviewing narratives from a number of PTAs. Congratulations especially to Principal Stephen Coons…
WSPTA Seeking Members to Fill Leadership Roles

As the largest volunteer organization in the state, the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) has many opportunities for members to volunteer, lead, engage, and contribute. Every community has available talent and resources that will benefit the PTA and, in turn, the students. People are more supportive of public education when asked to share some of their time as…