


April 13, 2017

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Workgroups Reconvening

Washington state is making progress on an accountability plan for the success of all students OLYMPIA — APRIL 12, 2017 — Three workgroups – two that are reconvening and one that is new – are playing a key role in writing and developing Washington state’s education plan to the federal government. On Jan. 10, Superintendent Chris Reykdal…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Legislative

April 12, 2017

Is the New WSPTA Website Meeting Your Needs?

Washington State PTA (WSPTA) would like to thank you, our members, for your past input on what you’d like to see with this new site; especially our Website Task Force that gave us tremendous feedback and advice. We have built this site with you, our members, in mind. In order to keep the website updated with…
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Category: Membership

April 2, 2017

House Ups Ante with $44.9B Spending Plan, Senate Capital Budget Passed

This was a busy week, with a big policy cutoff on March 29. In addition, House Democrats announced their “Families First” budget March 27, increasing policy level spending to a net of $3.2 billion. The two-year spending plan is balanced on $3 billion in new revenues from a combination of sources, $206 million in assumed…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Family Engagement , Legislative

March 31, 2017

Double Parent Testimony for Family Engagement and Social Emotional Learning

Jessica Garcia testifies in support of SHB 1618: Engagement Coordinators Bellevue parent, Jessica Garcia, reprised her testimony in support of the family and community engagement bill, SHB 1618, March 30, but this time with the Senate budget committee. Jessica shared the difference a person equivalent to the FACE coordinator defined in the bill helped the…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Family Engagement , Legislative

March 30, 2017

Breakfast After the Bell – Action Needed Today! *URGENT*

One of Washington State PTA’s top priorities is passing “Breakfast after the Bell” legislation this session. The bill would require schools with at least 70% poverty to offer breakfast to all students after the bell rings. You know that hungry children can’t learn – this bill will go a long way to helping students focus…
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Category: Advocacy , Health & Well-being , Legislative

March 30, 2017

WSPTA Week 13 Events Report

Next week the House Capital Budget committee plans to release its budget on April 5, hold the hearing on April 6 and markup on April 7; the current schedule does not show them working next weekend. The schedule is subject to change, but April 4 is the cutoff for bills with a fiscal impact, other than the “Necessary…
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Category: Legislative

March 30, 2017

Recognize Your Volunteers with a Golden Acorn

The Golden Acorn Award is a very prestigious Washington State PTA award that is given out by local PTAs/PTSAs for exemplary and outstanding volunteerism and service to PTA. Honorees that receive this award, have volunteer experience at the local PTA level, in the community, and at the school and/or school district level. It is normally…
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Category: Awards

March 27, 2017

Northshore WSPTA Volunteer Testifies on 2017-19 Biennium Budget

Nancy Chamberlain testifying on sufficient, sustainable, and equitable education funding. OLYMPIA – March 27 – WSPTA volunteer and mother of two, Dr. Nancy Chamberlain, testified in front of the House Appropriations Committee on HB 1067, which focuses on the 2017-19 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. She explained the mission of Washington State PTA and the vision of…
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Category: Advocacy , Education , Legislative

March 27, 2017

WSPTA Board Member Testifies for Social Emotional Learning

WSPTA Area D Vice President, Amanda Shipman testifies in favor of a SHB 1377 supporting social emotional learning. OLYMPIA – March 27 – Yakima parent and WSPTA Area D Vice President, Amanda Shipman, testified in favor of SHB 1377; a bill designed to support student social emotional learning and collaboration among school psychologists, social workers,…
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Category: Advocacy , Health & Well-being , Legislative