


October 26, 2023

2023 WSPTA Legislative Assembly Recap

WSPTA held its 45th annual Legislative Assembly October 21-22, 2023. This virtual event was an incredible weekend of advocacy, education, networking, where delegates adopted several additions and updates to our 2023-24 Legislative Priorities and our permanent resolutions. The theme this year was school facilities, and we heard from guest presenters and panels on this important…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

May 1, 2023

Week 16 Report: 2023 Legislative Session Summary

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,  As was reported last week, the Washington State Legislature adjourned Sunday, April 23rd, closing the 105-day session with some significant gains, including increased funding for special education, investments from the Climate Commitment Act, and bills designed to prevent and mitigate gun violence. Governor Jay Inslee has until May 16th to sign…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 24, 2023

Week 15 Report: Sine Die Edition

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,  April 23rd was the final day of the 105-day 2023 legislative session. The operating budget Conference Committee released the biennial budget Saturday, April 22nd. The Senate and House are expected to approve the budget bills before adjourning sine die[1]. Here’s a quick overview of ESSB 5187, related to the bigger K-12…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 17, 2023

One Week Left in 68th Legislative Session

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,  April 12th was the final day for bills to pass out of the opposite chamber, with just a few exceptions. On Thursday, House and Senate legislators turned their floor action attention to changes made in the opposite chamber. Agreed-to changes were marked and passed for concurrence, sending them along to…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 10, 2023

Senate Passes Preventing Gun Violence Legislation in Week 13 Report

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,  By a vote of 27-21 (and one excused), the Senate passed legislation that would prohibit the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale, or offer for sale, of any assault weapon, with a few exceptions, effective upon the governor’s signature. SHB 1240 passed Saturday afternoon after more than 22 amendments and three hours…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 3, 2023

House Releases 2023-2025 Budgets, Negotiations to Start This Week

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,   House Democrats announced their 2023-25 operating budget on Monday, March 27, and the House Appropriations Committee immediately held a public hearing on the more than 1,200-page document that afternoon. Also released on the 27 was the bipartisan 2023-2025 capital budget.  Both budgets have some things in common with the Senate…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 2, 2023

2023 Bill Status Reports

Each week, Marie Sullivan our Legislative Consultant puts together a list of bills and upcoming events that are associated with our legislative priorities. Reports are up-to-date as of the Sunday before the Legislative week begins. Week 15 – April 17 to April 21 (as of 4/16/23) *Days and times can be subject to change. Past…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 1, 2023

Advocacy in Action! April 1, 2023

Advocacy Director Lizzy Sebring waited several hours to speak on E2SSB 5311, the bill that would lift the cap on enrollment to 15%, increase the multipliers, and modify the safety net. The bill was part of a Saturday, April 1 public hearing in the House Appropriations Committee. Lizzy shared WSPTA’s support for the Senate funding…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 27, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 27, 2023

During a public hearing March 27th on the House proposed 2023-25 operating budget, WSPTA President Nancy Chamberlain asked legislators to increase funding for special education to meet the needs of students in our K-12 programs. Nancy thanked them for the investments in inclusionary practices professional development, and funding for teacher residency programs and the Beginning Educator…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 27, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 23, 2023

WSPTA President Nancy Chamberlain asked members of the Senate Ways & Means Committee to hold firm on their level of funding for students with disabilities when negotiating with the House and to add funding for inclusionary training. Nancy also expressed disappointment that, as a member of the K-12 Salary Rebase work group, the legislature did…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative