


April 2, 2023

2023 Bill Status Reports

Each week, Marie Sullivan our Legislative Consultant puts together a list of bills and upcoming events that are associated with our legislative priorities. Reports are up-to-date as of the Sunday before the Legislative week begins. Week 15 – April 17 to April 21 (as of 4/16/23) *Days and times can be subject to change. Past…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

April 1, 2023

Advocacy in Action! April 1, 2023

Advocacy Director Lizzy Sebring waited several hours to speak on E2SSB 5311, the bill that would lift the cap on enrollment to 15%, increase the multipliers, and modify the safety net. The bill was part of a Saturday, April 1 public hearing in the House Appropriations Committee. Lizzy shared WSPTA’s support for the Senate funding…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 27, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 27, 2023

During a public hearing March 27th on the House proposed 2023-25 operating budget, WSPTA President Nancy Chamberlain asked legislators to increase funding for special education to meet the needs of students in our K-12 programs. Nancy thanked them for the investments in inclusionary practices professional development, and funding for teacher residency programs and the Beginning Educator…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 27, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 23, 2023

WSPTA President Nancy Chamberlain asked members of the Senate Ways & Means Committee to hold firm on their level of funding for students with disabilities when negotiating with the House and to add funding for inclusionary training. Nancy also expressed disappointment that, as a member of the K-12 Salary Rebase work group, the legislature did…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 27, 2023

It’s all About the Budget Now in Week 11 Report

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,  Last week the Senate released a proposed 2023-25 capital budget on Monday, March 20th and a proposed 2023-25 operating budget on Thursday, March 23rd. The capital budget public hearing was the same day as the release, while a full day was provided to review the 1,240-page operating budget. That hearing,…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 23, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 22, 2023

Advocacy Committee member Melissa Stone testified Pro on SHB 1658, allowing students to earn up to 2 credits for work. Melissa asked members of the Senate Early Learning & K12 Committee to consider lowering the number of hours required to earn 1 credit from 360 hours (180 hours for 0.5 credit) to 240 hours (120 hours…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 22, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 21, 2023

Advocacy Committee member Natalya Yudkovsky encouraged members of the House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee to pass ESSB 5048, a bill that would cover fees related to College in High School courses. The testimony March 21 also elicited several questions and a discussion about transcript fees, which might become a topic to address next session. Listen…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 21, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 20, 2023

Parent advocate Jennifer Crespi urged members of the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee to support E2SHB 1479, relating to isolating and restraint of student. Listen to Jennifer’s testimony at the March 20th hearing here. Also on March 20th, long-time advocate for mitigating gun violence Gwen Loosmore testified in the Senate education committee in support of HB 1230,…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 20, 2023

Budget Releases and Revenue Forecasts will Dominate Next Two Weeks in Week 10 Report

Prepared by Marie Sullivan,   Monday, March 20th will be a big day in Olympia – the Senate will release its 2023-25 capital budget at 10:30 AM, followed by a public hearing in the Senate Ways & Means Committee at 4 PM. That afternoon, the Economic & Revenue Forecast Council will meet at 2:00 PM…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative

March 15, 2023

Advocacy in Action! March 15, 2023

WSPTA advocacy committee member Tori Emerson testified as Other on ESHB 1436, the House bill regarding special education funding, before the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Committee on March 15th. Tori asked senators to consider amending the House bill to remove the cap and increase the multiplier to the levels found in E2SSB 5311. Listen to…
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Category: Advocacy , Legislative