

August 31, 2020

New Council SOA and Supporting Local PTAs

The Washington State PTA Standards of Affiliation Agreement 2020-2021 is now available!

There have been a few updates this year to make the SOA even better, including an introduction page that has clear instructions, calls out what’s new to the checklists in 2020-21, and offers a number of resources to answer questions and give more detail on all requirements. Also, there are now TWO checklists—one for local PTAs and a separate form for councils (make sure to scroll down to page 4 of the .pdf to find the council-specific form).

Be sure to check out the WSPTA blog post, “WSPTA Standards of Affiliation for 2020-21,” for a detailed look at the updated requirements to this year’s checklists. Of special note for councils is the inclusion of a local PTA service requirement which aligns with Article 3, Section 1 of the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws that requires that councils provide “services, information, support, and leadership training to local PTAs.” Documentation for this requirement may include a budget, yearly calendar, newsletters, or other communication.

Councils should share information about the SOA, highlighting it as an important tool as well as offering support to local PTAs. Beyond that—councils can take it a step farther and really demonstrate the value of the SOA to local PTAs by modeling its use:

  • Include—make the SOA visible by including it as a discussion item on the agenda at each council meeting.
  • Share—take time at each meeting to review where the council is at with its checklist and record it in the meeting minutes.
  • Remind—build awareness by calling out key upcoming SOA requirements/dates.
  • Support—continue to offer support to local PTAs who may have questions or need additional assistance.

Showing the SOA in action at the council-level not only helps emphasize the importance of regular review of SOA requirements, but also provides concrete examples of how local leaders can integrate it into their own meetings and communications. Councils can use the SOA to empower their local leaders and help PTAs stay on track!

Category: Governance

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