

September 8, 2020

Reflections Kickoff – Virtually

Reflections may look a little different this year, as we navigate in a virtual environment, but this program is more important than ever. For more than 50 years, this National PTA arts recognition program has helped students explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning.

It is time to launch Reflections programs across the state, to set due dates for art submission, and to determine what it will look like to “go digital.” WSPTA Reflections chairs Michele Simmons and Betty Gibbons are here to help! They are working to help develop and share systems that councils can use to receive and judge digital submissions. Councils will not have access to art uploaded to the National PTA database and will need to receive digital copies of the art from each school chair to judge it at the council level. This can be done with apps like Google Docs. Student work can be uploaded to the system, and the document can be shared with judges as the work moves from the school to the council for judging purposes. Chairs may prefer to use other cloud applications that they are familiar with.

Work that will move to WSPTA for judging will be uploaded to the National PTA Reflections Student Portal and will be judged based on the digital files. Only the pieces of art that will go on to be judged by National PTA will be submitted to WSPTA.

We recommend that all council Reflections chairs take part in the WSPTA Reflections Facebook page, where WSPTA Reflections chairs Michele and Betty are available to answer questions, and where other council and local reflections chairs across the state share their expertise and ideas.

Category: Reflections

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