Heather Lindberg, Vancouver PTA Council 3.7 President, testifying on behalf of simple majority for bond bills.
On behalf of Washington State PTA (WSPTA) Vancouver parent and PTA council leader, Heather Lindberg, pulled double duty in Olympia on March 21. She first testified in the Senate education committee in support of HB 1508, Breakfast after the Bell bill, and later in the House education committee in favor of simple majority for bond bills, HB 1778 . You can view her testimony on HB 1508 here and HB 1778 here.
Heather’s daughter also testified before the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee, on behalf of Breakfast after the Bell, showing that the apple doesn’t fall far from the advocacy tree!
Thank you to Heather, her daughter, and so many parents who have answered the call and literally dropped everything to go to Olympia to testify in favor of bills that support the WSPTA 2017 platform.